
Expanding Your Business By Calling The Builders

Different Types of Cleaning Services Offered to Commercial Clients

As a business owner-manager, you're responsible for providing a clean and safe work environment for your employees and customers. If performing cleaning jobs isn't the core of your business, you may struggle to meet the cleaning needs of the business.

The good news is, many commercial cleaning companies exist to help handle your business's cleaning jobs as you focus on the things that matter most to your business. These companies offer different types of services to cater to the different needs of their clients. 

Highlighted below are some popular commercial cleaning services you could benefit from. 

Office Cleaning

This is probably the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the term "commercial cleaning". It typically involves performing a variety of cleaning tasks meant to keep the office environment clean and sanitary to ensure the health and safety of workers and other people that may access the facility to transact business.

Some of the common cleaning duties carried out during office cleaning include:

  • Vacuuming and mopping hard floors.
  • Vacuuming carpets and mats.
  • Wiping and disinfecting all horizontal surfaces, including office desks, chairs, and file cabinets.
  • Scrubbing and disinfecting toilets.
  • Ensuring all areas of the office space are neatly arranged.
  • Collecting all rubbish and taking it to a designated waste collection point.

More or fewer cleaning tasks may be provided depending on your office's cleaning needs.

Commercial Kitchen Cleaning

If you run a restaurant or catering business, you'll need to maintain a high standard of cleanliness and hygiene to ensure food safety. The duties of kitchen cleaners for commercial purposes are completely different from those performed by office cleaners. The tasks that cleaners are expected to perform when cleaning commercial kitchens include but are not limited to the following:

  • Scrubbing and disinfecting all horizontal surfaces used for food preparation.
  • Emptying grease traps.
  • Cleaning sinks, taps, and washing stations.
  • Vacuuming and mopping the kitchen floors.
  • Brushing the grill.
  • Cleaning the interior and exterior of refrigerators, ovens and steamers, and other kitchen appliances.

Some cleaning jobs may need to be performed several times a day while others need only be carried out weekly or monthly. A commercial cleaning company can provide a flexible cleaning schedule for your commercial kitchen depending on your particular needs.

Sports Cleaning

You can also benefit from commercial cleaning services if you run a gym or other sports facilities. Because the equipment used in such facilities is typically handled by different people, these areas can be a hub for the spread of germs. Common cleaning duties done include cleaning and disinfecting all equipment, floors, and surfaces.

The above-highlighted services don't comprise a full list of services offered by commercial cleaning services. For more information, feel free to contact a commercial cleaning company near you.

About Me

Expanding Your Business By Calling The Builders

Hello, my name is Lisa. Welcome to my blog. The topics I will cover in my blog are to do with construction. I should be clear from the outset, I do not work in construction myself, but I recently hired a team of construction workers to carry out some work renovating and extending my business premises. I was dreading the day work started because I didn't understand anything about what was going on. Thankfully, the guys were great and they explained everything they were doing to me. My business is much bigger and better than it was before. Enjoy my blog!

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